‘Gasping’, ‘Choking’, ‘Gas chamber’ – even the media headlines on Delhi’s air quality, which plummets around Diwali each year, appear weary. After a respite in 2020, this year has again seen AQI levels jump to the ‘hazardous’ category.
As the Supreme Court has intervened suggesting a possible lockdown, states have continued to pass the buck, and the debate over who/what pollutes carries on, Debadityo Sinha, Lead, Climate and Ecosystems, and Senior Resident Fellow at Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy takes a deep dive into this decade-long issue – in the 4th episode of the Legal Capsule.
Find out more about key reasons for the current fiasco, why the issue has persisted for so long, and what are the systemic measures required to address the sources of pollution in this discussion.
Read Vidhi’s report ‘Cleaning Delhi’s Air: Implementation Action Plan’.