Vidhi in collaboration with India International Centre organised a Dialogue on “Drone usage for commercial purposes – Possibilities & Concerns”. The rapid influx and use of drones has raised several legal and policy challenges. To address the same, the DGCA, in 2014, prohibited the use of drones in India for civil purposes. Drones can be purchased online in India but the ban on their civilian use has been in place for more than three years. Many argue that the ban on use of drones is not only undesirable; it is also impractical as the widespread use of drones continues especially considering the technological boom and volatile market conditions whereas others argue about the potential security risks, privacy violations and the possible employment loss. In this dialogue, we aim to understand the possibilities and potential risks of drone usage and if the blanket ban should be re-assessed.
The dialogue aimed to understand the possibilities and potential risks of drone usage and if the blanket ban should be re-assessed. The panelists for the event are Mr. Ananth Padmanabhan (Fellow at Centre for Policy Research), Mr. Anirudh Rastogi (Managing Partner at TRA Law) and Dr. Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan (Distinguished Fellow & Head of the Nuclear and Space Policy Initiative, at Observer Research Foundation).
The talk was scheduled on Aug 23rd 2018 at the Lecture Hall 2, India International Centre, New Delhi.