Towards the Rule of Law – 2017
Twenty-five legal reforms for India
Summary: This briefing book urges that basic institutions of our democracy, are revitalised; enforcement of laws disentangled from bureaucratic procedures; and an inclusive India be built on the foundation of technology, values and human rights.
The Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy released its fourth Briefing Book titled ‘Towards the Rule of Law: 25 Legal Reforms for India,’ on 22nd December 2017 at the Constitution Club of India. Every year, Vidhi comes out with its Briefing Book, which covers structural legal reforms that we believe India needs.
While the last few years have seen several economic reforms, critical legal reforms, particularly of a structural nature, have not kept pace. To fill this gap, Vidhi’s fourth Briefing Book looks at 25 pressing and diverse legal reforms India needs to address its fundamental governance challenges. As with all our work, the Briefing Book too provides clear solutions to the challenges we have identified. We hope that this will go some way to protecting the rule of law, if not wholly, then very substantially.
As a legal policy think-tank, the rule of law is our lodestar and careful research our compass. We hope to undertake this task of publishing a Briefing Book every year, to ensure that slowly, but surely, the rule of law is a living reality for every Indian