Host: Sneha Visakha
Intro Music: Wehrmut by Godmode
Outro Music: Opheliea’s Blues by Audionautix
In the fourth episode of The Feminist City podcast, we speak with Dr. Naveen Bharathi, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI), University of Pennsylvania. Naveen’s work is at the intersection of political sociology and political economy of identity and he has worked on spatial segregation in contemporary urban India. Some issues we touch upon are: urbanisation and how cities are segregated on the lines of caste and religion, history of urban development in Bengaluru, housing discrimination and impact of ghettoisation on people’s everyday life.
Explore these questions in the Feminist City podcast series, hosted by Sneha Visakha. You can read more about our guest, Dr. Naveen Bharathi here.
For background reading, we recommend perusing the literature provided below.
Neighbourhood-scale Residential Segregation in Indian Metros, Naveen Bharathi, Deepak Malghan & Andaleeb Rahman
Why Lucknow, Jaipur don’t see communal riots but Delhi and Ahmedabad do, Naveen Bharathi & Kashif-Ul-Huda
In Ahmedabad’s Juhapura, exploring the paradoxes of Muslim ghettoisation, Sharik Laliwala, Christophe Jaffrelot & Priyal Thakkar
Muslims in Indian cities: Degrees of segregation and the elusive ghetto, Raphael Susewind
Employment, Exclusion and ‘Merit’ in the Indian IT Industry, Carol Upadhya
Divided Cities Cannot Be Smart Cities, Alok Prasanna Kumar & Srijoni Sen
Let’s Talk About Housing Discrimination, Gautam Bhatia