Vidhi’s Toolkit on the Legal Aspects of End-of-Life Care aims to equip hospitals, healthcare workers, caregivers, and patients with the practical guidance they need on how to understand and follow the law and act in the patient’s best interests.
Ready Reckoner
Frequently Asked Questions
Sample Advance Medical Directive
Ready Reckoner
Are you a doctor, caregiver, hospital administrator, or government official, and want to understand your role in the end-of-life care process?
This ready reckoner is a quick reference guide to the legal history, rights, and procedure relating to end-of-life care in India.
Frequently Asked Questions
This guide is intended to answer legal questions that doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers (Chapter 2) and patients and caregivers (Chapter 3) might have while treating and caring for terminally-ill patients or patients in a persistent vegetative state.
Is it legal to stop life-support? If the patient is unconscious, who should the treating team consult? What should doctors do if the patient’s family disagrees with them about the course of treatment? Is a DNR order the same as an advance medical directive?
Sample Advance Medical Directive
A model Advance Medical Directive to use as a basis for crafting your own.