Charkha, Vidhi’s research centre dedicated to constitutional law, aims to take the Constitution to all relevant stakeholders, and create an environment of sustained constitutional law research. Inspired by the symbol of Gandhiji’s Charkha, which was simple, powerful and dynamic, the centre aims to position itself as a hub of constitutionalism in India.
Legal researchers and constitutional scholars must act as trustees of the Constitution, spreading its contents and taking it to the people. In that spirit, Charkha’s research addresses crucial aspects about the interpretation of the Constitution; the role of concerned authorities in the implementation of its provisions; and the true meaning and import of the provisions of the Constitution for ordinary citizens. Charkha’s research remains mindful of the fact that the drafting and operation of the Constitution is deeply informed by accompanying historical, social and political factors. Charkha also aims at fostering research and scholarship on previously unexplored (or under-explored) themes under the Constitution as well as themes which are expected to emerge as socially and politically relevant in the near future.
Charkha’s current research focuses on federalism, electoral reforms, development and interpretation of fundamental rights, and independent institutions.