man ordering a cab in the background of a cab

Comments on the draft Karnataka Platform based Gig Workers Bill, 2024

Joint Submission with the Indian Federation of App Based Transport Workers

The Karnataka government has published the draft Karnataka Platform based Gig Workers (Social Security and Welfare) Bill, 2024, inviting public comments. The draft Bill is a welcome move as it provides for much needed social welfare measures and rights for platform based gig workers. This Bill has the potential to set the standard for platform based gig workers’ rights not just in India but globally. Therefore, a need was felt to bring further clarity to some of the provisions in the draft Bill.

To this end, Vidhi and the Indian Federation of App Based Transport Workers (IFAT), in collaboration with organisations signed hereunder, submitted comments to the Department of Labour, Government of Karnataka, suggesting improvements in the Bill. To facilitate the submission, a roundtable discussion was organised on 9th July, 2024, at the Bangalore International Centre, Bengaluru.

The collaboration was aimed at submitting a joint document outlining suggestions that may be adopted under the draft Bill. Representatives from civil society organisations, trade unions and experts participated in the roundtable discussion. The session was moderated by Vidhi’s Co-founder, Alok Prasanna Kumar. After the day-long discussion and deliberations, a joint submission was finalised and submitted to the Department of Labour, Government of Karnataka.

Signatories of the submission to the Department are as follow: 

  1. Shaik Salahuddin, Telangana Gig and Platform Workers Union
  2. Sangam Tripathy, Indian Federation of App Based Transport Workers
  3. Chandan Kumar, Hamal Panchayat
  4. Alok Prasanna Kumar, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy
  5. Deepa Padmar, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy
  6. Varini G, Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy
  7. Janaki Srinivasan, IIIT Bangalore and Fairwork India
  8. Anita Gurumurthy, Nandini Chami and Sadhana Sanjay, IT for Change
  9. Soujanya Sridharan, Aapti Institute
  10. Ritvik Gupta, Aapti Institute
  11. Mounika Neerukonda, Fairwork India
  12. Tony Mathew, Fairwork India
  13. Rakshita Swamy, Social Accountability Forum for Action and Research (SAFAR)
  14. Nikhil Dey, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
  15. Inayath Ali, Karnataka App Based Drivers Union
  16. Shiva Kumar and Selvi, Gig and Platform Services Workers Union (GIPSWU)
  17. Chiara Furtado, Centre for Internet and Society
  18. Nishkala Sekhar, Centre for Internet and Society

The document lays out the expectations from a Bill aimed at protecting platform based gig workers, and provides clause-by-clause comments. 

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