Jyotsana Singh
Jyotsana was a Research Fellow (Applied Law and Technology Research and Fintech) at Vidhi Delhi. She was primarily engaged in projects from various ministries, governmental departments, and regulators where she provided advisory, consulting and research support at various stages of law and policy making. She worked on a variety of legal, regulatory matters and allied issues in public policy relating to data protection, fintech, and privacy. Jyotsana graduated from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU Bangalore) in 2020 with a B.A. LLB (Hons.) degree. Prior to joining Vidhi, Jyotsana worked at Trilegal and thereafter at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. where she focused extensively on general corporate matters and tendered legal advisory and transactional assistance to clients in the fintech, IT, e-commerce, and healthcare sectors.
- Law and Technology
- jyotsana.singh@vidhilegalpolicy.in