The Need for Social Boycott Laws in India
It is the aim of this paper to analyze social boycotts from multidimensional perspectives through the analysis of the psychological, physiological and economic impact that social boycotts have on one of the most vulnerable groups in India. In order to do this effectively, the Article sets forth the arguments for why there needs to be a separate national law to tackle the menace of social boycotts in India. It then analyses the Maharashtra Protection of People from Social Boycott (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2016 – the first ever successful legislation to ban Social Boycotts in the Country and the Lacunae in the Act that need to be addressed in the national Law. Finally, it analyses the Sardar Saydna Ther Saifuddin Saheb v The State of Bombay judgment in order to shed light on the possible constitutional challenges to the proposed National Social Boycotts Prevention Law and to suggest possible counters.
Cite as – Akhileshwari Reddy, ‘The Need for Social Boycott Laws in India’, 2019(1) GNLU Law & Soc. Rev. 63.