Survey of Healthcare Providers
Resolving healthcare disputes
Vidhi is conducting a study of the functioning of different mechanisms to resolve healthcare disputes in India. These include in-house mechanisms at hospitals or apps like My Hospital, disciplinary proceedings before medical councils, as well as consumer and criminal proceedings (such as cases of medical negligence, deficiency of service, or overcharging), under the following laws:
- The Consumer Protection Act, of 2019 (and the erstwhile Consumer Protection Act, 1986) – a patient-centric and compensation-oriented law
- Section-304A of the Indian Penal Code 1860, which applies a criminal penalty to acts of medical negligence which result in death
- The National Medical Commission Act, 2019 and State Medical Council laws which provide for disciplinary action in cases of professional misconduct
- The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010, and equivalent state laws which impose penalties for contravention of registration requirements or healthcare standards.
As part of this study, we are interested in understanding the experiences of registered medical professionals with these mechanisms. In this context, we are seeking responses from doctors to a survey, accessible here: Experience with grievance redressal mechanisms – Doctors’ survey
Please Note
- The survey should take up to 5-7 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous. We are not collecting any personal identifying information.
- The anonymised findings will form part of a report and a series of other writings.
- Participants are requested to share the Survey Link with colleagues, as we hope to learn from a wide range of experiences and responses.
We are keen to receive further input, on this subject, from healthcare providers across the ecosystem. Do reach out to us at the following email addresses, with any further comments or experiences you wish to share: shreyashi.ray@vidhilegalpolicy.in | kim.dsouza@vidhilegalpolicy.in