The Law of Desire: Rulings on Sex and Sexuality in India
A book review in Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific
Law defines the social, while desire threatens to disrupt it; the law of desire is, therefore, both a necessity and an impossibility.
Madhavi Menon, p. 16
Madhavi Menon’s newest book on sex, sexuality and queerness is published at an opportune time when discussions around the legality of same-sex marriage seemingly take the centre stage of gay and lesbian rights advocacy in Indian courts. In The Law of Desire: Rulings on Sex and Sexuality in India, Menon presents us with a text that challenges these well-meaning activists’ and lawmakers’ intentions of using the law as a vehicle of social change. In doing so, she presents a hitherto ignored critique of the otherwise progressive Navtej judgment that legalised consensual same-sex activity in India and paved the way for the ongoing conversations around same-sex marriage recognition in India.