Mar 2024
Great Cases Series | Discussion 2 | The Group of Companies Case
About the Series
Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy in collaboration with the India International Centre is hosting a series ‘The Working of the Indian Constitution: Stories and Scholarship’. As a part of this initiative, every month Vidhi will be hosting the ‘Great Cases’ series, which aims to foster in-depth discussions on landmark rulings that have profoundly shaped the Indian Constitution. Each session will feature legal professionals – offering their unique perspectives on the ruling.
We will be inviting members of the legal fraternity to speak to the audiences (a mix of people from the legal field, students, media, and related professionals) to talk about great cases that have left an indelible impression on the Indian legal system.
About the Discussion and Speakers
The second episode of the series focuses on the ‘Group of Companies’ Case, Cox and Kings Ltd. v SAP India Pvt. Ltd. The judgment has brought to a close the uncertainty surrounding the scope and applicability of the ‘Group of Companies’ doctrine in India, by confirming that non-signatory group companies can, in principle, be bound by arbitration agreements under the Doctrine, subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions set out under law.
Justice Sanjib Banerjee is the Former Chief Justice, High Court of Madras and High Court of Meghalaya. He specialised in corporate and intellectual property laws matters, and has delivered judgments in matters encompassing almost all branches including important public interest litigations.
Arghya Sengupta is the Founder and Research Director of the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy.
Varsha Banta is a Research Fellow, Corporate Law and Financial Regulation.